Bad Girls of the Bible and What We Can Learn from Them by Liz Curtis Higgs

[August 1999; reviewed 08-28-2000]
(Note: I was 18 when I wrote this review for Tekton, under just my initials “J.J.” for Jack Jeffries. I cringe just a little bit reading it, knowing I could write a much better review now. Nevertheless, this remains one of my favorite devotionals ever. I won’t be reviewing the sequels I have read, Really Bad Girls of the Bible and Mad Mary, but they were also quite good.)
BAD GIRLS OF THE BIBLE: kind of grabs your attention, does it not? “Bad girls” and “Bible” aren’t really words that belong together in the same sentence When we think of the women of the Bible, we tend to think of Sarah, Rebekah, Esther, Deborah, or Miriam. Who in their right mind thinks of Michal or Potiphar’s wife?
Read the rest of the review at Tekton
(Originally posted at ClobberBlog)