My name is Bridget Jack Jeffries and I am the author of Weighted Glory. Here I offer insights on the Bible, church history, theology, and Christian culture, with an emphasis on approaching these subjects as a woman and as a (former) single mother.

My Story

I’m a Christian and a member of the Evangelical Covenant Church. I completed a bachelor’s degree in classics with a minor in Hebrew at Brigham Young University (long story!), so I have some background in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. I hold a master’s degree in American religious history from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and am currently working on a PhD in Theological Studies (Church History) also at TEDS. I also teach Christian formation and occasionally preach at my church.

Here’s some other information about me:

    • My first husband abandoned me while I was pregnant with our second child, and I spent 4-5 years as a single mother.
    • I’m biblically divorced from my unbelieving [1] first husband (1 Cor 7:15-16; Matt 5:31-32) and re-married to a Christian man. You can read about that here. In May 2020, we welcomed his first child and my third, a little girl.
    • All three of my children are disabled or neurodivergent. My daughter (b. 2006) has DiGeorge syndrome and my son (b. 2013) and other daughter (b. 2020) have high-functioning autism. I strongly suspect I was on the high-functioning end of the spectrum as a child. I’ve written about people with special needs in the heart of God here.
    • I’ve explained why I am a Christian here.
    • I believe God calls (or has called) women as pastors, elders, preachers, prophets, and deacons. I’ve written about how God changed my thinking on this matter here.
    • I’m involved in the interfaith community. My master’s thesis was on women and the Mormon doctrine of exaltation, and I was the first non-Mormon theologian to be invited to participate in the Mormon Theology Seminar. In 2019, the Mormon church changed almost everything about the temple ceremony that I critiqued in my 2016 master’s thesis. I’ve given an extensive interview on my strange quasi-Mormon background here.
    • I’m a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the North American Patristics Society.
    • I’m 6’0″ tall. The weather is fine. No, I don’t model. No, I don’t play volleyball or basketball. Yes, I’m taller than my husband (by 2.5″). I wear heels when I feel like it, because I can. Good talk, glad we had it!
    • I’m a blue belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, which is handy because my initials happen to be BJJ.

Thank you for visiting my site today. If you enjoy my articles and want to read more, please like my Facebook page, subscribe via e-mail, and follow me on eXtwitter or Academia.

May the grace of Jesus Christ bless you and keep you!



Miscellaneous Legal Matters


[1] My first husband was Mormon. I think that some Mormons are true believers in Christ, but eventually reached the conclusion that my first husband was not.

4 Comments on About

  1. Your life history is stunning as is your post on NT women with sex changes. So grateful I was directed your way.

    • Thanks, Brad. Gives me hope that someone will want to read my memoir when it’s finally done! 🙂 And I’m glad you enjoyed the article on New Testament women who were turned into men. I enjoyed researching it.

  2. Hi Bridget,

    I just found your blog, after noticing that you had posted a comment on “My Calvin Seminary Story.” I’ve been checking you out! Are you now in PhD work at TEDS? I had 17 wonderful years there as a part-time professor.


    • Hi Ruth,

      I’m so excited you commented! I have been a fan of your work for such a long time! I apologize for taking this long to respond. My daughter was born 5/17/20 and I’ve been a little busy with the newborn ever since.

      I have been accepted to the PhD program at TEDS, but deferred last year to work on deficiencies. I will probably defer again this year, but they are offering a large discount to enroll due to COVID, so I might get started. If not this year, then next.

      I did my MA at TEDS and have nothing but good things to say about them.

      – Bridget

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