Weighted Glory

Sermons & Bible Studies

My Review of the 2011 NIV

Isn’t it awesome how I’ve been neglecting this blog for over two months? Or not. Anyhow, my review of the 2011 update of the New International Version was published in the Winter 2011 issue of Priscilla Papers. That article has been made available online as one of CBE’s free articles: “Book Review: 2011 NIV Bible” […] Read more…

Sermon on Luke 11:1-13

My NT 6221 class requires a sermon on either Luke 5:1-11 or Luke 11:1-13. I selected the latter passage. The requirements were that it be 7-8 pages long in outline form and utilize at least three commentaries or journal articles. I’ve never composed a sermon, let alone preached one, so this is new territory for […] Read more…