Weighted Glory

Year: 2016

Did Luther really say women shouldn’t be wise?

In searching for the Martin Luther quote that had troubled me in my youth, I came across a quote on a number of sites critical of Christianity, usually on “look at these misogynist things famous Christians said!” shock lists. “No gown worse becomes a woman than the desire to be wise.” The problem: it isn’t clear that Martin […] Read more…

Journey’s End

I went and spoke to Bro. Fluhman today, and not only was he enormously helpful, but I enjoyed the conversation and I was very impressed by him. . . . He also talked to me about doing American Religious History for my master’s. The thought had honestly never occurred to me. But I will keep […] Read more…

So take my last name then

File it under “fragile masculinity.” On one of the dating sites I have used, there’s a question about marital last name preference. The question, along with possible answers, is: If you were to get married, would you want your partner to change his or her last name to yours? – Yes. – No. – I […] Read more…